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Capital SFB

Interest On Callable Domestic Term Deposits

Interest on Domestic Term Deposit (w.e.f. December 03, 2024)

15 Days to 30 Days 3.50%
31 Days to 45 Days 3.50%
46 Days to 89 Days 4.00%
90 Days to 179 Days 4.75%
180 Days to less than 1 Year 5.50%
1 Year to less than 5 Years 7.15%
5 Years and upto 10 Years 7.10%
Special category
12 Months 7.55%
400 Days 7.60%
600 Days 7.40%
900 Days 7.30%

For Senior Citizens

Senior Citizen means a person who has attained the age of 60 years on date of deposit and produces the proof of the same.

15 Days to 30 Days 4.00%
31 Days to 45 Days 4.00%
46 Days to 89 Days 4.50%
90 Days to 179 Days 5.25%
180 Days to less than 1 Year 6.00%
1 Year to less than 5 Years 7.65%
5 Years and upto 10 Years 7.60%
Special category
12 Months 8.05%
400 Days 8.10%
600 Days 7.90%
900 Days 7.80%